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Monitoring Studies for Persistent Allocations

Merlin's producer-consumer model ensures the longevity of workers until the batch allocation is terminated or the workers are manually killed by the user. In this framework, workers remain active, processing tasks within a workflow until the allocation concludes or they're deliberately terminated. Consequently, sustaining the vitality of the allocation is crucial during the processing phase, as it guarantees the uninterrupted execution of tasks by the workers.

To preserve an allocation throughout the lifecycle of a worklow, Merlin offers the merlin monitor command. This command serves as a blocking process for a batch submission script, preserving the allocation's continuity while the workers process tasks.


merlin monitor <spec file>

How Does the Monitor Work?

The merlin monitor command takes a spec file as input, using it to identify the task queues and workers it needs to observe. This monitoring process involves two key actions:

  1. Verifying the presence of tasks in the designated queues.
  2. Confirming the ongoing processing of tasks by the assigned workers when the queues are empty.

The monitor comes with a --sleep option, which introduces a deliberate delay. Before the monitoring initiates, the monitor waits up to 10 times the specified sleep duration, providing users with a window to populate the task queues with the merlin run command. Subsequently, it waits for the specified sleep duration between each check to determine if the queues have tasks (step 1 above). If no tasks are found, and no workers are processing tasks, the monitor concludes that the workflow has finished, allowing the allocation to end. This way, the monitor command acts as a blocking process, ensuring the continuous and effective management of tasks within the specified workflow.

The resulting flowchart of this process can be seen below.

Monitor Flowchart

Monitor Flowchart

Using the Monitor

Adding the merlin monitor command to your workflow process is as simple as putting it at the end of your worker-startup script. The below templates showcase how this is done for Slurm and LSF.

The below batch script can be submitted with:

sbatch workers.sbatch <spec file>
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH -J Merlin
#SBATCH -t 10:00
#SBATCH -o merlin_workers_%j.out

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0

YAML=default.yaml  # (1)

if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML}

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML}
  1. Modifying this value to be the path to your spec file would make it so you didn't have to pass the path in at the command line when submitting this script. In other words, you could submit this script with sbatch workers.sbatch.

The below batch script can be submitted with:

bsub workers.bsub <spec file>
#BSUB -nnodes 1
#BSUB -W 00:10    # hours:minutes
#BSUB -J Merlin
#BSUB -o merlin_workers_%J.out
#BSUB -e merlin_workers_%J.err

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0

YAML=default.yaml  # (1)

if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML}

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML}
  1. Modifying this value to be the path to your spec file would make it so you didn't have to pass the path in at the command line when submitting this script. In other words, you could submit this script with bsub workers.bsub.

Options For the Monitor

There are three useful options that come with the merlin monitor command:

  • --sleep: The delay between checks on the task queues
  • --steps: Only monitor specific steps in your workflow
  • --vars: Modify environment variables in a spec from the command line


The --sleep option in the monitor command allows users to specify a custom delay duration between consecutive inspections of the task queues. The default value for this option is 60 seconds.

As detailed in the "How Does the Monitor Work?" section, the monitor periodically examines task queues to determine task presence. If the queues are currently occupied, the monitor will enter a sleep state for a designated duration before conducting the next inspection. Similarly, if the monitor discovers no tasks in the queues but identifies active workers processing tasks, it will initiate a sleep interval before re-evaluating both the queues and the workers. The --sleep option allows you to modify this sleep interval.

The value that you provide for the --sleep option will be an integer representing the number of seconds to sleep before the next inspection of the task queues and workers is conducted.


merlin monitor <spec file> --sleep <number of seconds to sleep>
Example of Using --sleep With Monitor

In the below spec file we have one step that will run for 90 seconds:

    name: sleep_demo
    description: a very simple merlin workflow

    - name: step_1
      description: sleep for 90 seconds
        cmd: sleep 90
        task_queue: step_1_queue

For this example we'll use a Slurm worker-launch script to start the workers. Notice on the last line that we're setting the sleep duration to be 30 seconds instead of the default 60 seconds:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH -J Merlin
#SBATCH -t 10:00
#SBATCH -o merlin_workers_%j.out

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0


if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML}

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML} --sleep 30

Now let's run this study by submitting this worker launch script and sending the tasks to the broker with the merlin run command:

sbatch workers.sbatch
merlin run sleep_demo.yaml

From the time stamps in our worker logs we can see that the custom 30 second sleep duration was applied:

[2024-02-05 09:13:52,891: INFO] Connected to amqps://rabbitmerlin:**
[2024-02-05 09:13:52,911: INFO] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2024-02-05 09:13:53,956: INFO] mingle: all alone
[2024-02-05 09:13:53,996: INFO] celery@default_worker.%quartz1552 ready.
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,028: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[78530a48-95f0-4b0e-90ca-7011e81a7808] received
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,211: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[117b28c9-eacd-4e77-9771-01b4ebc29e01] received
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,228: INFO] Executing step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1'...
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,228: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,233: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,235: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,235: INFO] Generating script for step_1 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,238: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,273: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,276: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,276: INFO] Submitting script for step_1
[2024-02-05 09:13:54,548: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[78530a48-95f0-4b0e-90ca-7011e81a7808] succeeded in 0.40144235407933593s: None
[2024-02-05 09:14:16: INFO] Reading app config from file /g/g20/gunny/.merlin/app.yaml
[2024-02-05 09:14:17: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-05 09:14:18: INFO] Monitor: found tasks in queues and/or tasks being processed
[2024-02-05 09:14:50: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-05 09:14:51: INFO] Monitor: found tasks in queues and/or tasks being processed
[2024-02-05 09:15:22: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-05 09:15:23: INFO] Monitor: found tasks in queues and/or tasks being processed
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,298: INFO] Execution returned status OK.
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,304: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,307: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,307: INFO] Step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/sleep_demo_20240205-091232/step_1' finished successfully.
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,498: INFO] Task merlin:chordfinisher[f442f13e-0436-4162-86ab-eaa28943f526] received
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,501: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[117b28c9-eacd-4e77-9771-01b4ebc29e01] succeeded in 90.27513551106676s: 0
[2024-02-05 09:15:24,507: INFO] Task merlin:chordfinisher[f442f13e-0436-4162-86ab-eaa28943f526] succeeded in 0.007889348082244396s: 'SYNC'
[2024-02-05 09:15:54: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-05 09:15:55: INFO] Monitor: ... stop condition met



It's essential to note that using this option might lead to the termination of the allocation while your study is still processing. This outcome occurs if any subsequent steps in your study were not included in the steps provided to the --steps option.

The --steps option in the monitor command allows you to specify particular steps for monitoring instead of the entire study. By providing specific steps, the monitor identifies the associated task queues and exclusively monitors those queues, disregarding others in the study.


merlin monitor <spec file> --steps <space-delimited list of steps>
Example of Using --steps Option

In the spec file below, we have two steps step_1 and step_2 that each have thier own respective task queues step_1_queue and step_2_queue.

    name: steps_demo
    description: a very simple merlin workflow

    - name: step_1
      description: say hello
        cmd: echo "hello!"
        task_queue: step_1_queue

    - name: step_2
      description: sleep for 90 seconds
        cmd: sleep 90
        depends: [step_1]
        task_queue: step_2_queue

Let's say we just want to monitor step_1 to make sure it finishes but we don't care if step_2 finishes. We can convey this to our monitor by using the --steps option. This is shown in the worker-launch script below (for this example we'll use a Slurm batch script):

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH -J Merlin
#SBATCH -t 10:00
#SBATCH -o merlin_workers_%j.out

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0


if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML}

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML} --steps step_1

After submitting this batch script and sending the task queues to the broker with:

sbatch workers.sbatch
merlin run steps_demo.yaml

...we'll see from the status command and the logs that the allocation is terminated after step_1 finishes but prior to step_2 finishing.

Checking our Slurm queues with:

squeue -u <user>

We'll see our allocation is either in a cancelled state or just not there at all. This means our workers are no longer processing anything.

Now if we check the status of our study, we'll see that step_1 finished just fine but the status of step_2 was never updated to a completed state since it never finished processing before the allocation was terminated:

Status Showing Only Step 1 Finishing
Status Showing Only Step 1 Finishing

Focusing on the highlighted lines below, we'll see that step_1 logs that it starts executing and that it finishes executing. For step_2 we see a similar log for when it starts but we never see a log for when it finishes. Instead, it's execution is cut off by the monitor terminating the allocation since we told it to only monitor step_1.

[2024-02-05 11:53:18,915: INFO] Connected to amqps://rabbitmerlin:**
[2024-02-05 11:53:18,943: INFO] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2024-02-05 11:53:19,986: INFO] mingle: all alone
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,017: INFO] celery@default_worker.%quartz205 ready.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,051: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[36b7c213-735f-443c-a593-21dd6fbdce82] received
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,237: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[661180c7-9921-448d-ad4a-510163fe5dd3] received
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,266: INFO] Executing step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1'...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,267: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,274: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,276: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,277: INFO] Generating script for step_1 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,281: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,326: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,331: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,331: INFO] Submitting script for step_1
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,347: INFO] Execution returned status OK.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,357: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,362: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,362: INFO] Step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_1' finished successfully.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,427: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[29c33e4d-c2c4-4211-bd4d-ba0531f23581] received
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,448: INFO] Executing step 'step_2' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2'...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,448: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,460: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,467: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,467: INFO] Generating script for step_2 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,483: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,507: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[36b7c213-735f-443c-a593-21dd6fbdce82] succeeded in 0.3326189829967916s: None
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,511: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[661180c7-9921-448d-ad4a-510163fe5dd3] succeeded in 0.2548455507494509s: 0
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,535: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/steps_demo_20240205-115213/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,544: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-05 11:53:20,544: INFO] Submitting script for step_2
[2024-02-05 11:54:13: INFO] Reading app config from file /g/g20/gunny/.merlin/app.yaml
[2024-02-05 11:54:14: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-05 11:54:15: INFO] Monitor: ... stop condition met


The --vars option can be used to modify any variables defined in your spec file from the command line interface. This option can take a space-delimited list of variables and their assignments, and should be given after the input yaml file.


merlin monitor <spec file> --vars <VAR_TO_MODIFY>=<VAL_TO_SET>
Example of Using --vars With Monitor

Say we have the following spec file with a variable QUEUE_NAME that's referenced in step_2:

    name: vars_demo
    description: a very simple merlin workflow

        QUEUE_NAME: step_2_queue

    - name: step_1
      description: say hello
        cmd: echo "hello!"
        task_queue: step_1_queue

    - name: step_2
      description: sleep for 90 seconds
        cmd: sleep 90
        depends: [step_1]
        task_queue: $(QUEUE_NAME)

If we decided we wanted to modify this queue at the command line, we could accomplish this with the --vars option of the merlin run-workers and merlin run commands:

In the below worker-startup script, we're not using the --vars option with the monitor command. This is for demonstrative purposes and will be modified later in this example.

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH -J Merlin
#SBATCH -t 10:00
#SBATCH -o merlin_workers_%j.out

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0


if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML}  # ***Purposefully not using the --vars argument yet***

This can be submitted with:

sbatch workers.sbatch
merlin run vars_demo.yaml --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name

Using the above worker launch script that does not utilize the --vars option with the monitor our allocation would terminate after step_1 completes. This is due to the fact that it will be watching the step_1_queue and step_2_queue task queues, but step_2's tasks will be sent to the new_queue_name queue instead. We can see this behavior from the status of our study and the the end of the worker logs.

Checking our Slurm queues with:

squeue -u <user>

We'll see our allocation is either in a cancelled state or just not there at all. This means our workers are no longer processing anything.

Now if we check the status of our study, we'll see that the status of step_2 was never updated to a completed state:

Status Displaying Step 2 Never Finishes
Status Displaying Step 2 Never Finishes

Focusing on the highlighted lines below, we'll see that step_1 logs that it starts executing and that it finishes executing. For step_2 we see a similar log for when it starts but we never see a log for when it finishes. Instead, it's execution is cut off by the monitor terminating the allocation.

[2024-02-02 16:16:51,152: INFO] Connected to amqps://rabbitmerlin:**
[2024-02-02 16:16:51,171: INFO] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,211: INFO] mingle: all alone
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,248: INFO] celery@default_worker.%quartz3 ready.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,275: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[6c4ea50a-9fe4-43ca-b2bc-47ef2a477a21] received
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,449: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[09c2c700-fe97-4f18-9847-69615f3e4dfc] received
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,467: INFO] Executing step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1'...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,467: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,470: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,472: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,472: INFO] Generating script for step_1 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,476: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,502: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,505: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,505: INFO] Submitting script for step_1
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,516: INFO] Execution returned status OK.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,520: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,522: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,522: INFO] Step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_1' finished successfully.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,580: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[bffc5866-7d85-4e2b-9a20-b3d195183581] received
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,594: INFO] Executing step 'step_2' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2'...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,594: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,598: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,601: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,602: INFO] Generating script for step_2 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,605: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,613: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-161556/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,616: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,616: INFO] Submitting script for step_2
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,639: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[6c4ea50a-9fe4-43ca-b2bc-47ef2a477a21] succeeded in 0.24488114699488506s: None
[2024-02-02 16:16:52,652: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[09c2c700-fe97-4f18-9847-69615f3e4dfc] succeeded in 0.18764808497508056s: 0
[2024-02-02 16:17:46: INFO] Reading app config from file /g/g20/gunny/.merlin/app.yaml
[2024-02-02 16:17:47: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-02 16:17:48: INFO] Monitor: ... stop condition met

Now let's modify the worker-startup script to utilize the --vars option for the monitor so that it can watch the correct queues:

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
#SBATCH -J Merlin
#SBATCH -t 10:00
#SBATCH -o merlin_workers_%j.out

# Turn off core files to work aroung flux exec issue.
ulimit -c 0


if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]

echo "Specification File: $YAML"

VENV_PATH=<set the path to the merlin venv here>

# Activate the virtual environment
source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate

# Show the workers command
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name --echo

# Start workers to run the tasks in the broker
merlin run-workers ${YAML} --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name

# Keep the allocation alive until all workers stop
merlin monitor ${YAML} --vars QUEUE_NAME=new_queue_name

Re-submitting this workflow, we'll see that the study runs to completion before terminating.

Our status now shows that both steps finished successfully.

Status Displaying Both Steps Finish Successfully
Status Displaying Both Steps Finish Successfully

Focusing on the highlighted lines below, we'll see that step_1 and step_2 both log that execution has started and finished. We'll also notice that prior to step_2 finishing, the monitor checks the task queues/workers and determines it should keep the allocation alive. Once step_2 is complete, we see that the monitor then terminates the allocation.

[2024-02-02 16:46:21,634: INFO] Connected to amqps://rabbitmerlin:**
[2024-02-02 16:46:21,660: INFO] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2024-02-02 16:46:22,704: INFO] mingle: all alone
[2024-02-02 16:46:22,737: INFO] celery@default_worker.%quartz8 ready.
[2024-02-02 16:46:22,766: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[96a9fe28-cbde-4232-8f42-653646fe032e] received
[2024-02-02 16:46:22,947: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[ff620554-6d4d-4981-8488-bec1e718bc68] received
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,156: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.expand_tasks_with_samples[96a9fe28-cbde-4232-8f42-653646fe032e] succeeded in 0.27051527600269765s: None
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,240: INFO] Executing step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1'...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,241: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,265: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,271: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,271: INFO] Generating script for step_1 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,278: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,329: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,334: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,334: INFO] Submitting script for step_1
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,350: INFO] Execution returned status OK.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,371: INFO] Writing status for step_1 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,379: INFO] Status for step_1 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,379: INFO] Step 'step_1' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_1' finished successfully.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,450: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[c1432f25-52c7-4967-9367-cff11b1b769c] received
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,453: INFO] Executing step 'step_2' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2'...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,454: INFO] Directory does not exist. Creating directories to /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,497: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,508: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,508: INFO] Generating script for step_2 into /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,525: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[ff620554-6d4d-4981-8488-bec1e718bc68] succeeded in 0.5617350109387189s: 0
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,545: INFO] Script: /usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2/
Restart: None
Scheduled?: True
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,615: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,647: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:46:23,647: INFO] Submitting script for step_2
[2024-02-02 16:47:16: INFO] Reading app config from file /g/g20/gunny/.merlin/app.yaml
[2024-02-02 16:47:18: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-02 16:47:19: INFO] Monitor: found tasks in queues and/or tasks being processed
[2024-02-02 16:47:56,398: INFO] Execution returned status OK.
[2024-02-02 16:47:56,509: INFO] Writing status for step_2 to '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2/MERLIN_STATUS.json...
[2024-02-02 16:47:56,547: INFO] Status for step_2 successfully written.
[2024-02-02 16:47:56,547: INFO] Step 'step_2' in '/usr/WS1/gunny/hello/studies/vars_demo_20240202-164558/step_2' finished successfully.
[2024-02-02 16:47:59,780: INFO] Task merlin:chordfinisher[a338a16a-18ea-46a1-8593-5f9822cef5da] received
[2024-02-02 16:47:59,783: INFO] Task merlin.common.tasks.merlin_step[c1432f25-52c7-4967-9367-cff11b1b769c] succeeded in 96.33197088190354s: 0
[2024-02-02 16:47:59,787: INFO] Task merlin:chordfinisher[a338a16a-18ea-46a1-8593-5f9822cef5da] succeeded in 0.005227347952313721s: 'SYNC'
[2024-02-02 16:48:20: INFO] Monitor: found 0 jobs in queues and 1 workers alive
[2024-02-02 16:48:21: INFO] Monitor: ... stop condition met