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Celery With Merlin

Merlin uses Celery, a Python based distributed task management system. Merlin uses Celery to queue work which is processed by Celery workers.

Merlin queues tasks to the broker which receives and routes tasks. Merlin by default is configured to use RabbitMQ as the broker but Redis can be used as well.

Celery has many functions, it defines the interface to the task broker, the backend results database and the workers that will run the tasks.

As discussed in the Configuration page, the broker and backend are configured through the app.yaml file. A configuration for the rabbit AMQP server is shown below.

Config File for RabbitMQ Broker and Redis Backend
    # directory where Merlin looks for the following:
    # mysql-ca-cert.pem rabbit-client-cert.pem  rabbit-client-key.pem redis.pass
    certs: /path/to/celery/config

    # can be rabbitmq, redis, rediss, redis+sock, amqps, or amqp
    name: rabbitmq
    #username: # defaults to your username unless changed here
    password: ~/.merlin/rabbit-password
    # server URL

    ### for rabbitmq connections ###
    #vhost: # defaults to your username unless changed here

    ### for redis+sock connections ###
    #socketname: the socket name your redis connection can be found on.
    #path: The path to the socket.

    ### for redis/rediss connections ###
    #port: The port number redis is listening on (default 6379)
    #db_num: The data base number to connect to.

    # ssl security
    #keyfile: /var/ssl/private/client-key.pem
    #certfile: /var/ssl/amqp-server-cert.pem
    #ca_certs: /var/ssl/myca.pem
    # This is optional and can be required, optional or none
    # (required is the default)
    #cert_reqs: required

    # Can be redis,rediss, mysql, db+ or memcached server
    # Only a few of these are directly configured by merlin
    name: redis

    dbname: dbname
    username: username
    # name of file where redis password is stored.
    password: redis.pass
    # merlin will generate this key if it does not exist yet,
    # and will use it to encrypt all data over the wire to
    # your redis server.
    encryption_key: ~/.merlin/encrypt_data_key
    port: 6379
    db_num: 0

    # ssl security
    #keyfile: /var/ssl/private/client-key.pem
    #certfile: /var/ssl/amqp-server-cert.pem
    #ca_certs: /var/ssl/myca.pem
    # This is optional and can be required, optional or none
    # (required is the default)
    #cert_reqs: required

Using Celery Commands With Merlin

Typically Merlin will handle all interactions with Celery behind the scenes. However, if you'd like to run Celery commands directly you can.

The Celery command needs application configuration for the specific module that includes Celery, this is specified using the -A <module> syntax. All Celery commands should include the -A argument. The correct syntax for interacting with your Merlin module is:

celery -A merlin

The merlin run command will define the tasks from the steps in the yaml file and then send them to the broker through the Celery broker interface. If these tasks are no longer needed or are incorrect, they can be purged by using one of these commands:

The following is equivalent to the merlin purge command.

celery -A merlin -Q <queue list> purge


celery -A merlin -Q merlin,queue2,queue3 purge

This will not work if you're using a broker other than Rabbit AMQP.

celery -A merlin amqp queue.purge <queue name>


celery -A merlin amqp queue.purge merlin

It's recommended to save this as a last resort if purging does not work for some reason.

celery -A merlin amqp queue.delete <queue>


celery -A merlin amqp queue.delete merlin

Configuring Celery Workers

The common configurations used for the Celery workers in the Celery Workers Guide are not the best for HPC applications. Here are some parameters you may want to use for HPC specific workflows.

These options can be altered by setting the args for an entry of type worker in the merlin.resources section of your yaml spec file.


Merlin uses Celery's prefork pool so modifying the --concurrency value will modify the number of concurrent processes that are started, not the number of threads.

Celery will set the concurrency to be the number of CPUs on the node by default.

The number of processes to use on each node of the HPC allocation is set through the --concurrency keyword. A good choice for this is the number of simulations that can be run per node or the number of cores on the machine, whichever is smaller.

celery -A merlin worker --concurrency <num processes>

Concurrency for Simple 1D Short Running Sim

If the HPC simulation is a simple 1D short running sim then on Lassen you might want to use all cores on a node:

celery -A merlin worker --concurrency 44

Concurrency for Limited Processes

If the HPC simulation will take the whole node, you may want to limit this to only a few processes:

celery -A merlin worker --concurrency 2

The --prefetch-multiplier argument sets how many tasks are requested from the task server per worker process. If --concurrency is 2 and --prefetch-multiplier is 3, then 6 tasks will be requested from the task server by the worker processes. Since HPC tasks are generally not short running tasks, the recommendation is to set this to 1.

celery -A merlin worker --prefetch-multiplier <num_tasks>


celery -A merlin worker --prefetch-multiplier 1

The -O fair option is another parameter used for long running Celery tasks. With this set, Celery will only send tasks to processes that are available to run them.

celery -A merlin worker -O fair

The -n option allows the workers to be given a unique name so multiple workers running tasks from different queues may share the allocation resources. The names are automatically set to <queue name>.%h, where <queue name> is from the task_queue config or merlin (default) and %h will resolve to the hostname of the compute node.

celery -A merlin worker -n <name>

Naming the Worker

celery -A merlin worker -n merlin.%h

Naming the Worker After a Queue

celery -A merlin worker -n queue_1.%h

On the toss3 nodes, the CPU affinity can be set for the worker processes. This is enabled by setting the environment variable CELERY_AFFINIITY to the number of CPUs to skip.


Setting CELERY_AFFINITY to 4 will skip 4 CPUs between each Celery worker process.