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Welcome to the Merlin developer documentation! This module provides instructions for contributing to Merlin.

Getting Started

Follow the Developer Setup documentation to setup your Merlin development environment (we recommend using the Make Setup).

Once your development environment is setup ensure you're on the development branch:

git checkout develop

Then create a new branch for whatever you're working on. Typically branch names will start with one of the following prefixes: feature, bugfix, refactor, or docs. The following command will create a new branch for you and switch to it:

git switch -c <branch prefix>/<your branch name>

Merlin follows a gitflow workflow. Updates to the develop branch are made via pull requests.

Developer Guide

This section provides Merlin's guide for contributing features/bugfixes to Merlin.

Pull Request Checklist


All pull requests must pass make tests prior to consideration!

To expedite review, please ensure that pull requests...

  • Are from a meaningful branch name (e.g. feature/cool_thing)

  • Are being merged into the appropriate branch (likely Merlin's develop branch)

  • Include testing for any new features

    • unit tests in tests/unit
    • integration tests in tests/integration
  • Include descriptions of the changes

    • a summary in the pull request
    • details in the [Unreleased] section of the
  • Ran make fix-style to adhere to style guidelines

    • it's best practice to run make check-style too to ensure no further linter changes need to be manually fixed
  • Pass make tests; output included in pull request


All pull requests must pass unit and integration tests. To ensure that they do run:

make tests

All pull requests that include bugfixes or new features must have new tests in tests/unit and/or tests/integration. See the README in the test suite for instructions on how to write your tests. You can also view the Reference Guide to see API docs for the test suite.

Python Code Style Guide

This section documents Merlin's style guide. Unless otherwise specified, PEP-8 is the preferred coding style and PEP-0257 for docstrings.


Running the following command from the root of the Merlin repository should automatically fix most styling issues:

make fix-style

Merlin has style checkers configured. They can be run from the Makefile:

make check-style

Adding New Features to YAML Spec File

Block vs Property

To provide clarity for the following section, we need to discuss what's meant by a "block" vs a "property" of the YAML spec.

Block: A block is anything at the first level of a YAML spec. Merlin comes equipped with 7 blocks: description, environment, global.parameters, batch, study, merlin, and user.

Property: A property is any keyword defined within a block.

Here's an example:

description:  # Block - description
    name: hello  # Property - name
    description: a very simple merlin workflow  # Property - description

global.parameters:  # Block - global.parameters
    GREET:  # Property - GREET
        values : ["hello","hola"]  # Property - values
        label  : GREET.%%  # Property - label
    WORLD:  # Property - WORLD
        values : ["world","mundo"]  # Property - values
        label  : WORLD.%%  # Property - label

In order to conform to Maestro's verification format introduced in Maestro v1.1.7, we now use json schema validation to verify our spec file.

If you are adding a new feature to Merlin that requires a new block within the yaml spec file or a new property within a block, then you are going to need to update the merlinspec.json file located in the merlin/spec/ directory. You also may want to add additional verifications within the file located in the same directory.


If you add custom verifications beyond the pattern checking that the json schema checks for, then you should also add tests for this verification in the file located in the merlin/tests/unit/spec/ directory.

Adding a New Property

To add a new property to a block in the yaml file, you need to create a template for that property and place it in the correct block in merlinspec.json.


For help with json schema formatting, check out the step-by-step getting started guide.


Say I wanted to add a new property called example that's an integer within the description block. I would modify the description block in the merlinspec.json file to look like so:

        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "name": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1},
            "description": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1},
            "example": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 1}
        "required": ["name", "description"]

That's all that's required of adding a new property. If you want to add your own custom verifications make sure to create unit tests for them.

Adding a New Block

Adding a new block is slightly more complicated than adding a new property. You will not only have to update the merlinspec.json schema file but also add calls to verify that block within

To add a block to the json schema, you will need to define the template for that entire block.


For help with json schema formatting, check out the step-by-step getting started guide.


Say I wanted to create a block called country with two properties labeled name and population that are both required. It would look like so:

    "COUNTRY": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "name": {"type": "string", "minLength": 1},
            "population": {
                "anyOf": [
                    {"type": "string", "minLength": 1},
                    {"type": "integer", "minimum": 1}
        "required": ["name", "capital"]

Here, name can only be a string but population can be both a string and an integer.

The next step is to enable this block in the schema validation process of To do this we need to:

  1. Create a new method called verify_<your_block_name>() within the MerlinSpec class
  2. Call the YAMLSpecification.validate_schema() method provided to us via Maestro in your new method
  3. Add a call to verify_<your_block_name>() inside the verify() method

If you add your own custom verifications on top of this, please add unit tests for them.