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Run a Real Simulation


This module aims to do a parameter study on a well-known benchmark problem for viscous incompressible fluid flow.

Estimated Time

60 minutes

You Will learn

  • How to run the simulation OpenFOAM, using Merlin.
  • How to use machine learning on OpenFOAM results, using Merlin.


We aim to do a parameter study on the lid-driven cavity problem.

Fig 1. Lid-driven cavity problem setup
Fig 1. Lid-driven cavity problem setup

Fig 2. Example of a flow in steady state
Fig 2. Example of a flow in steady state

In this problem, we have a viscous fluid within a square cavity that has three non-slip walls and one moving wall (moving lid). We are interested in learning how varying the viscosity and lid speed affects the average enstrophy and kinetic energy of the fluid after it reaches steady state. We will be using the velocity squared as a proxy for kinetic energy.

This module will be going over:

  • Setting up our inputs using the merlin block
  • Running multiple simulations in parallel
  • Combining the outputs of these simulations into a an array
  • Predictive modeling and visualization

Before Moving On

Check that the virtual environment with Merlin installed is activated and that your configuration shows no errors:

merlin info

This is covered more in depth in the Verifying Installation section of the Installation module and at the Configuration page.

There are a few ways to do this example, including with singularity and with docker. To go through the version with singularity, get the necessary files for this module by running:

merlin example openfoam_wf_singularity ; cd openfoam_wf_singularity/

For the version with docker you should run:

merlin example openfoam_wf ; cd openfoam_wf/


From here on, this tutorial will focus solely on the singularity version of running OpenFOAM. The docker version of this tutorial is almost identical but will require having docker installed. If you're using the docker version of this tutorial you can still follow along but check the openfoam_docker_template.yaml file in each step to see what differs.

In the openfoam_wf_singularity directory you should see the following:

Fig 3. openfoam_wf Directory Structure

Fig 3. openfoam_wf Directory Structure
  • openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml -- this spec file is partially blank. You will fill in the gaps as you follow this module's steps.
  • openfoam_wf_singularity_template.yaml -- this is a complete spec file. You can always reference it as an example.
  • scripts -- This directory contains all the necessary scripts for this module.
    • We'll be exploring these scripts as we go with the tutorial.
  • requirements.txt -- this is a text file listing this workflow's python dependencies.

Specification File

We are going to build a spec file that produces this DAG:

Fig 4. OpenFOAM DAG

Fig 4. OpenFOAM DAG

To start, open openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml using your favorite text editor.

It should look something like this:

Initial Contents of the Spec
    name: openfoam_wf_singularity
    description: |
      A parameter study that includes initializing, running,
      post-processing, collecting, learning and visualizing OpenFOAM runs
      using singularity.



            cmd: |

                args: -l INFO --concurrency <INPUT CONCURRENCY HERE>
                args: -l INFO --concurrency <INPUT CONCURRENCY HERE> --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Ofair

    - name: setup
      description: |
                Installs necessary python packages and imports the cavity directory
                from the singularity container
          cmd: |

    - name: sim_runs
      description: |
                  Edits the Lidspeed and viscosity then runs OpenFOAM simulation
                  using the icoFoam solver
          cmd: |
          task_queue: simqueue

    - name: combine_outputs
      description: Combines the outputs of the previous step
          cmd: |

    - name: learn
      description: Learns the output of the openfoam simulations using input parameters
          cmd: |


First we specify some variables to make our life easier. Locate the env block in our yaml spec:



The OUTPUT_PATH variable is set to tell Merlin where you want your output directory to be written. The default is the current working directory.

We'll fill out the next two variables as we go.

Samples and Scripts

One Merlin best practice is to copy any scripts your workflow may use from your SPECROOT directory into the MERLIN_INFO directory. This is done to preserve the original scripts in case they are modified during the time Merlin is running. We will do that first. We'll put this in the Merlin sample generation section, since it runs before anything else.

Edit the samples section of the merlin block to look like the following:

            cmd: |
                cp -r $(SPECROOT)/scripts $(MERLIN_INFO)/

                # Generates the samples
                python $(MERLIN_INFO)/scripts/ -n 10 -outfile=$(MERLIN_INFO)/samples
        file: $(MERLIN_INFO)/samples.npy
        column_labels: [LID_SPEED, VISCOSITY]

We will be using the scripts directory a lot so we'll set the variable SCRIPTS to $(MERLIN_INFO)/scripts for convenience. We define SIF, our Singularity image of OpenFoam, to be $(MERLIN_INFO)/openfoam6.sif. We would also like to have a more central control over the number of samples generated so we'll create an N_SAMPLES variable:

        OUTPUT_PATH: ./openfoam_wf_output

        SCRIPTS: $(MERLIN_INFO)/scripts
        SIF: $(MERLIN_INFO)/openfoam6.sif
        N_SAMPLES: 100

and update the samples section of the merlin block to be:

            cmd: |
                cp -r $(SPECROOT)/scripts $(MERLIN_INFO)/

                # Generates the samples
                python $(SCRIPTS)/ -n $(N_SAMPLES) -outfile=$(MERLIN_INFO)/samples
        file: $(MERLIN_INFO)/samples.npy
        column_labels: [LID_SPEED, VISCOSITY]

Just like in the Using Samples step of the hello world module, we generate samples using the merlin block. We are only concerned with how the variation of two initial conditions, lidspeed and viscosity, affects outputs of the system. These are the column_labels. The script is designed to make log uniform random samples. Now, we can move on to the steps of our study block.

Setting Up

Our first step in our study block is concerned with making sure we have all the required python packages for this workflow. The specific packages are found in the requirements.txt file.

We will also need to copy the lid driven cavity deck from the OpenFOAM singularity container and adjust the write controls. This last part is scripted already for convenience.

Locate the setup step in the study block and edit it to look like the following:

    - name: setup
      description: |
                Installs necessary python packages and imports the cavity directory
                from the singularity container
          cmd: |
              pip install -r $(SPECROOT)/requirements.txt

              # Set up the cavity directory in the MERLIN_INFO directory
              source $(SCRIPTS)/ $(MERLIN_INFO)

This step does not need to be parallelized so we will assign it to lower concurrency (a setting that controls how many workers can be running at the same time on a single node).

Locate the resources section in the merlin block, then edit the concurrency and add the setup step:

              args: -l INFO --concurrency 1
              steps: [setup]

The resources section of the merlin block is where you can control the behavior of your workers. Here we're defining one worker named nonsimworkers and providing it with some arguments. The -l INFO option sets its log level to be INFO (the standard log level) and the --concurrency 1 option means that only one of these workers can spin up per node.


If the --concurrency option is omitted, the Celery library will default to using however many cores are on the node (see Celery's docs for more information).

In addition to providing arguments to workers, we're also telling it to manage the tasks that will be produced by the setup step. What this actually means is that this worker will watch the task_queue associated with the setup step. Since we didn't provide a task_queue value for this step, the task_queue value will default to be merlin (which you'll be able to see in the openfoam_wf.expanded.yaml spec in the merlin_info/ directory after we run this).

Running the Simulation

Moving on to the sim_runs step, we want to:

  1. Copy the cavity deck from the MERLIN_INFO directory into each of the current step's subdirectories
  2. Edit the default input values (lidspeed and viscosity) in these cavity decks using the sed command
  3. Run the simulation using the run_openfoam executable through the OpenFOAM singularity container
  4. Post-process the results (also using the run_openfoam executable)

This part should look like:

- name: sim_runs
  description: |
              Edits the Lidspeed and viscosity then runs OpenFOAM simulation
              using the icoFoam solver
      cmd: |
          cp -r $(MERLIN_INFO)/cavity cavity/
          cd cavity

          ## Edits default values for viscosity and lidspeed with
          #  values specified by samples section of the merlin block
          sed -i "18s/.*/nu              [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0] $(VISCOSITY);/" constant/transportProperties
          sed -i "26s/.*/        value           uniform ($(LID_SPEED) 0 0);/" 0/U

          cd ..
          cp $(SCRIPTS)/run_openfoam .

          # The local sample directory is bound (--bind) to the /merlin_sample dir in 
          # the container instance
          # The sample/cavity is bound (--bind) to the /cavity dir in the container instance

          # Creating a unique OpenFOAM singularity execution for each sample to run the simulation
          singularity exec --bind  ${CBIND} $(SIF) /merlin_sample/run_openfoam $(LID_SPEED)
      depends: [setup]
      task_queue: simqueue

This step runs many simulations in parallel so it would run faster if we assign it a worker with a higher concurrency. Navigate back to the resources section in the merlin block

            args: -l INFO --concurrency 1
            steps: [setup]
            args: -l INFO --concurrency 10 --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Ofair
            steps: [sim_runs]

Since we defined a task_queue value in the sim_runs step, when we tell simworkers to watch the sim_runs step they will really be watching the simqueue queue.

The quantities of interest are the average enstrophy and kinetic energy at each cell. The enstrophy is calculated through an OpenFOAM post processing function of the the flow fields while the kinetic energy is approximated by using the square of the velocity vector at each grid point. The velocity field is normally outputted normally as a result of running the default solver for this particular problem.

The run_openfoam executable calculates the appropriate timestep deltaT so that we have a Courant number of less than 1. It also uses the icoFoam solver on the cavity decks and gives us VTK files that are helpful for visualizing the flow fields using visualization tools such as VisIt or ParaView.

Combining Outputs

Navigate to the next step in our study block combine_outputs. The purpose of this step is to extract the data from each of the simulation runs from the previous step (sim_runs) and combine them for future use.

The script in the $(SCRIPTS) directory is provided for convenience and takes two inputs. The first informs it of the base directory of the sim_runs directory and the second specifies the subdirectories for each run. The script then goes into each of the directories and combines the velocity and enstrophy for each timestep of each run in a .npz file.

- name: combine_outputs
  description: Combines the outputs of the previous step
      cmd: |
          python $(SCRIPTS)/ -data $(sim_runs.workspace) -merlin_paths $(MERLIN_PATHS_ALL)
      depends: [sim_runs_*]

The $(MERLIN_PATHS_ALL) variable is a Reserved Variable that denotes a space delimited string of all of the sample paths.

This step depends on all the previous step's simulation runs which is why we have the _*. However, it does not need to be parallelized so we assign it to the nonsimworkers in the workers section of the merlin block.

        args: -l INFO --concurrency 1
        steps: [setup, combine_outputs]

Machine Learning and Visualization

In the learn step, we want to:

  1. Post-process the .npz file from the previous step.
  2. Learn the mapping between our inputs and chosen outputs
  3. Graph important features

The provided script does all of the above. It outputs the trained sklearn model and a png of the graphs plotted in the current directory.

- name: learn
  description: Learns the output of the openfoam simulations using input parameters
      cmd: |
          python $(SCRIPTS)/ -workspace $(MERLIN_WORKSPACE)
      depends: [combine_outputs]

This step is also dependent on the previous step for the .npz file and will only need one worker therefore we will assign it to nonsimworkers:

    args: -l INFO --concurrency 1
    steps: [setup, combine_outputs, learn]

Putting It All Together

By the end, your openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml should look like the template version in the same directory:

Complete Spec File
    name: openfoam_wf_singularity
    description: |
      A parameter study that includes initializing, running,
      post-processing, collecting, learning and visualizing OpenFOAM runs
      using singularity.

        OUTPUT_PATH: ./openfoam_wf_output

        SCRIPTS: $(MERLIN_INFO)/scripts
        SIF: $(MERLIN_INFO)/openfoam6.sif
        N_SAMPLES: 100

            cmd: |
                cp -r $(SPECROOT)/scripts $(MERLIN_INFO)/

                # Generates the samples
                python $(SCRIPTS)/ -n $(N_SAMPLES) -outfile=$(MERLIN_INFO)/samples
        file: $(MERLIN_INFO)/samples.npy
        column_labels: [LID_SPEED, VISCOSITY]
                args: -l INFO --concurrency 1
                steps: [setup, combine_outputs, learn]
                args: -l INFO --concurrency 10 --prefetch-multiplier 1 -Ofair
                steps: [sim_runs]

    - name: setup
      description: |
                Installs necessary python packages and imports the cavity directory
                from the singularity container
          cmd: |
              pip install -r $(SPECROOT)/requirements.txt

              # Set up the cavity directory in the MERLIN_INFO directory
              source $(SCRIPTS)/ $(MERLIN_INFO)

    - name: sim_runs
      description: |
                  Edits the Lidspeed and viscosity then runs OpenFOAM simulation
                  using the icoFoam solver
          cmd: |
              cp -r $(MERLIN_INFO)/cavity cavity/
              cd cavity

              ## Edits default values for viscosity and lidspeed with
              #  values specified by samples section of the merlin block
              sed -i "18s/.*/nu              [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0] $(VISCOSITY);/" constant/transportProperties
              sed -i "26s/.*/        value           uniform ($(LID_SPEED) 0 0);/" 0/U

              cd ..
              cp $(SCRIPTS)/run_openfoam .

              # The local sample directory is bound (--bind) to the /merlin_sample dir in 
              # the container instance
              # The sample/cavity is bound (--bind) to the /cavity dir in the container instance

              # Creating a unique OpenFOAM singularity execution for each sample to run the simulation
              singularity exec --bind  ${CBIND} $(SIF) /merlin_sample/run_openfoam $(LID_SPEED)
          depends: [setup]
          task_queue: simqueue

    - name: combine_outputs
      description: Combines the outputs of the previous step
          cmd: |
              python $(SCRIPTS)/ -data $(sim_runs.workspace) -merlin_paths $(MERLIN_PATHS_ALL)
          depends: [sim_runs_*]

    - name: learn
      description: Learns the output of the openfoam simulations using input parameters
          cmd: |
              python $(SCRIPTS)/ -workspace $(MERLIN_WORKSPACE)
          depends: [combine_outputs]

Run the workflow

Now that you are done with the Specification file, use the following commands from inside the openfoam_wf_singularity directory to run the workflow on our task server.


Running with fewer samples is the one of the best ways to debug

Create the DAG and send tasks to the server with:

merlin run openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml

Open a new terminal window, then start the workers that will consume the tasks we just queued by using:

merlin run-workers openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml

But wait! We realize that 10 samples is not enough to train a good model. We would like to restart with 100 samples instead of 10 (should take about 6 minutes):

After sending the workers to start on their queues, we need to first stop the workers:

merlin stop-workers --spec openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml


Using the --spec option with the merlin stop-workers command will tell Merlin to only stop workers from a specific YAML spec

We stopped these tasks from running but if we were to run the workflow again (with 100 samples instead of 10), we would continue running the 10 samples first! This is because the queues are still filled with the previous attempt's tasks. This can be seen with:

merlin status openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml

We need to purge these queues first in order to repopulate them with the appropriate tasks. This is where we use the merlin purge command:

merlin purge openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml

Now we are free to repopulate the queues with the 100 samples. In our terminal window that's not designated for our workers, we'll queue up tasks again, this time with 100 samples:

merlin run openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml --vars N_SAMPLES=100

Then in our window for workers, we'll execute:

merlin run-workers openfoam_wf_singularity.yaml

To see your results, look inside the learn output directory. You should see a png that looks like this:

Fig 5. Output

Fig 5. Output